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Terry Lubotsky, M.S.Ed.
Consultant, Facilitator, Speaker, Coach & Author

Terry Lubotsky

heart bullet What People are Saying

"Terry is very helpful when answering specific questions and giving useful ideas on how to handle impossible situations."

Amanda J. Collins
Roper Industries, Inc.

"I was extremely impressed by the level of knowledge and presentation qualities of the speaker."

Raven Kelly
Price Waterhouse Coopers

"Your ability to motivate the audience and maintain their attention throughout the presentation sets you apart from the others. The practical information you shared will benefit all those in attendance in obtaining and securing referral business."

Jeff Hollender
President, Healthcare Consultants, South Florida

"Extremely motivating and encouraging. Shall take away a lot of useful ideas to implement and more."

Olivia S. Jollema
Chames Workshop Group, PCC, Nottingham, U.K.

"Miss Terry is excellent! Everything was on point. She's the best. I would send anyone to her - she's that good."

Linda Golphin
Keebler Company

"What a pleasure to meet you and work with you. You made me look like a hero! All the members are still calling to thank me for a good breakfast program and wanting to know where I found you!"

Laverne Roth
Hollywood Chamber of Commerce

"This instructor is by far the most knowledgeable and effective I have had the pleasure to experience."

Monty Jennings
EdgeComb Metals

"Terry was so right on with problems and solutions. Very upbeat and delightful."

Tammy Edison
Aircond Corporation


communication, etiquette, consulting, training, speaking, coaching

Consulting Services

Terry Lubotsky is an experienced, talented consultant who has worked with Fortune 1000, top healthcare organizations, and forward-thinking school districts . Her expertise has helped hundreds of clients achieve their performance and productivity goals through:

Bring Heart-Centered Communication to your organization for:

Needs Assessment

Getting to the root of your issues requires a thorough understanding of your organization's needs. To make sure we are addressing the right issues, we conduct a needs assessment that may include:

Based on an analysis of our findings, you receive a written assessment of your key issues along with recommendations for addressing them.

Custom Workshops

All workshops are customized to your needs based on the results of the Needs Assessment. We also create custom workshops as needed to address your unique issues.

"Common sense practical systems to enhance productivity and performance. My main interest is return on investment to give our salespeople competitive advantage & this seminar is definitely effective in that regard."

Curt Redden
Sales Training Manager, UPS

Custom E-Learning

Our top-notch e-learning developers and instructional designers can adapt your content for delivery via webinar and/or self-paced web-based training.

Private Coaching

If you or a team member would like private instruction and coaching to develop your etiquette, presentation skills, image projection, etc., we customize one-on-one sessions to target your unique needs.

"Terry was an outstanding coach."

Al Rodriguez
Production Manager, G & K Services

Don't Wait to Start Experiencing Heart-Centered Communication!

Start experiencing all the rewards of sincere, heart-centered communication by scheduling a workshop, commissioning a custom learning experience for your organization, team, or group, or listening to Terry's audio-book. Terry is also available for private coaching programs to help you develop your image, etiquette, and personal communication skills. Call today to discuss how you can develop your highest potential through Heart-Centered Communication.

Terry Lubotsky
Heart-Centered Communication

Clearwater, Florida
727 heart bullet 593 heart bullet 3350


(c)2006 - 2024 Heart-Centered Communication
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communication, etiquette, consulting, training, speaking, coaching